Posts tagged LinkedIn
5 tips for your LinkedIn business page

LinkedIn is by far the biggest lead-generating platform for businesses -- and it has been for quite some years. While Twitter (12.73%) and Facebook (6.73%) have their place, the professional networking site brings in 80% of all B2B social media leads.

Wondering why you’re yet to see this type of return from your page? It could be because you’re not maximizing all the opportunities it offers. As well as the standard tips — posting regularly, liking other people’s stuff, and replying to comments — there’s lots more that can be done to:

  • Improve your engagement

  • Boost your brand’s awareness

  • Increase your followers

  • Generate more leads

  • Secure more conversions

There’s no point in doing something if you’re not going to do it right though, so here are five pointers to help you get the most out of your LinkedIn page.

5 tips for your LinkedIn business page  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Tip 1: Follow the 1-3-1 rule

In general, social media accounts should follow the rules of thirds: 1/3 promoting your product or services, 1/3 interacting with others, and 1/3 sharing industry news.

Now you don’t have to take these numbers as gospel, but the point is, don’t just make your page all about you. For every post you create that’s centred around something you sell or you’ve written, share a couple of valuable pieces or tips from around the web before you make it all about you again.

For example:

  • Post #1: an interesting stat from a third-party source 

  • Post #2: an article from your blog

  • Post #3: a promotional post about an upcoming sale

  • Post #4: a link to your latest whitepaper

  • Post #5: a thought-provoking read from a relevant author

Tip 2: Use tracking links

When you do link back to your site use a custom URL so you know it’s come from your LinkedIn page, that way you can start to get an understanding of what type of posts a) drive people back to your site and b) convert.

Not sure how? Here’s a campaign URL builder to help you.


Tip 3: Focus on the first line 

The first few words of your posts determine whether or not people stick around and read the rest or carry on scrolling, so if you want to keep people engaged make it all about them.

For example, instead of saying “We’ve got 10 tips on how to train for a marathon” say “ Here’s how you can smash your marathon training 10 different ways.”

If you’ve lured your audience in that doesn’t mean you can start going off on a tangent though. Make your updates short and sweet and keep the desired end action in mind throughout. For example, if it’s for someone to read more about service X, do you give them ample encouragement and resources to do just that?

4. Incorporate visual elements

Did you know? Video posts are five times more likely to get comments.

You’re probably sick of hearing about this one but it’s so important and something many businesses forget to do. Complementing your words with a catchy image or video helps to bring your feed to life, grab your audience’s attention, and give people an instant flavor of what your posts are about.

And remember, neither has to cost a fortune. You can make smart looking videos on your smartphone nowadays (find out how herehere and here) and there are a whole load of free photo sites out there (Pixabay and Unsplash just to name two). 

5. Optimize your page

The same way Google ranks your website’s content, LinkedIn ranks your company page based on the information you include — especially in your ‘About Us’ section. So, take your time to write something compelling and remember to include key terms people are likely to search for.

Hue & Tone Creative: Your Marketing Partners

With a million other things on your to-do list, giving your LinkedIn page the TLC it needs can soon slip off the radar -- we get that and we can help. Whether you need support with your words, images, or the whole platform, get in touch at or (336) 365-8559 to see what we can do for you. 

Improve your LinkedIn engagement by following these steps

More than 500 million people use LinkedIn every single day. On average, two professionals join the platform every second. Two-fifths of B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn. And 91 percent of executives rate it as their first choice for professionally relevant insights. 

What does all that mean? It means that there are a whole lot of people and organizations who are thirsty for your content and ready to connect.

But too often, LinkedIn users prioritize quantity over quality. Here’s one common misconception:

More posts = more visibility = more leads.


Your mindset should alwaysbe quality over quantity. After all, you’d rather have one post a week that generates 15 leads than seven a week that return nothing, right?

Here are some pointers to help you create lead-winning LinkedIn posts.

Tip 1: Don’t always include links

They take people away from the platform and LinkedIn doesn’t like that, and if LinkedIn doesn’t like something their algorithm is more likely to penalize your post. 

Remember, this also applies to videos. Instead of pointing people to your YouTube page upload it as a native video to please the platform you’re publishing on. 

New to videos? Here’s how to get started on your smartphone.


Tip 2: Focus on your length

The general consensus among users and LinkedIn professionals is that longer posts tend to perform better, so don’t be afraid of using your full 1,300 character limit. 

Not sure what to talk about? Steal some ideas here.


Improve your LinkedIn engagement by following these steps  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Tip 3: Use emojis

They stand out from the rest of your text and catch people’s attention as they’re scrolling down. But remember, moderation is key. Going emoji crazy every other word will just a) make your post hard to read, b) turn people off, and c) look a little childish.


Tip 4: Like what you post 

Of course you like it, that’s why you published it! But that’s not the reason. Liking your own comments and posts can help spread your content further around the platform.


Tip 5: Give a little, get a lot

Don’t expect an encore of engagement if you don’t ever do the same to others. Like and comment on other people’s posts and they’ll be more likely to return the favor.


Tip 6: Stick to text-only

Keep it simple with text-only posts. On average, they earn more comments and views than their image and video counterparts. 


Tip 7: Speak directly to your audience

Refrain from starting your post with words like “we” and “I”. Some better alternatives include:

  • You

  • Your

  • How to

They put the focus onto the reader and show it’s all about helping them.


Tip 8: People do business with people

Give your audience a bit of insight into who you are and what you’re about - just be careful not to let these posts overpower your lead-generating ones.


Tip 9: Pick the right time

Sprout Social says the best time to post on LinkedIn is either between 9-10am or at 12pm on Wednesday...but don’t get too derailed by that. Different audiences have different behaviors, so before you get too stuck in a routine that may or may not be working do a bit of trial and error to see what works best for you.

 Hue & Tone: Social Media and Graphic Design

Whatever stage of social experience you have, whichever platform’s you are on and no matter what your goals may be, we’ve got the ingredients you need for social media success. Drop us a line on or give us a call on (336) 365-8559 to start improving your engagement today.

5 Tips for a Stronger LinkedIn Profile Picture
5 Tips for a Stronger LinkedIn Profile Picture  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Networking or job hunting on LinkedIn? You only get one chance to make a positive first impression. Don’t let a lackluster profile picture prevent you from making the right connections.

Get noticed for the right reasons -- give your profile picture a refresh with these 5 simple tips!


Dress to Impress

Pictures of you in shorts and a t-shirt at your friend’s barbeque don’t belong on your profile.

The rule of thumb? Dress for the position you want. Blazers, dress shirts, and blouses are always strong options. Feel free to show off your personality with understated pops of color (think chunky jewelry or a fun tie).


Choose a Simple Background

According to LinkedIn, your face should take up 60% of the frame.

Don’t overcomplicate your picture with a distracting background. The focus should be on you, not what you’re standing in front of. Choose a simple background like a plain wall, bricks, or an outdoor setting. If you’re in a pinch, you can make a DIY backdrop with fabric or poster board. 



Great lighting is the key to a killer picture! Always take your pictures during the day so that you can take advantage of natural light. Shooting near a window or doorway with an indirect light source can help create beautiful soft images.

If you’re shooting outside, avoid direct sunlight. It’s way too harsh and you’ll end up squinting in every frame. Find an area with open shade (next to trees or a building) for the perfectly balanced lighting. 


Avoid Crazy Filters

Save Nashville and Toaster for Instagram. When it comes to profile pictures, clarity is what counts. Feel free to adjust the brightness and saturation to help punch up the color... just don’t go overboard!



It may seem silly, but smiling always makes a difference in pictures. Look directly into the camera and smile warmly and genuinely. Your potential connections will get the sense that you’re friendly and approachable!


One last note…

Your picture is all about you! Don’t be too serious. Have fun and show off your personality… just do it in a professional way!

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Whether you’re a recent grad or a seasoned professional, Hue & Tone Creative can help you stand out from the competition. From personal branding to business and resume design, Hue & Tone Creative is here to create a custom look for YOU.

Top LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers
Top LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Like a strong resume, a well written cover letter, and strong recommendations, a well cultivated LinkedIn page can help you land your dream job. But snagging a recruiter's attention with your profile can take a bit of elbow grease -- you'll have to get your profile up to date and stay active. Do that, and LinkedIn may just be the secret weapon your job search needs.

So, let's start turning some heads...


Put your best face forward

Having a professional photo makes your page 14 times more likely to pop up in search results. Fortunately, most people have the common sense to avoid unprofessional selfies and dog face filters. If you really want to step up your profile picture game, we recommend taking a simple headshot against a neutral background.

Keep your profile picture recent: If you’re rocking a Jennifer Anniston hairstyle from Friend’s, it’s time for a new picture. 

Not all industries have the same dress code, so be sure to choose an outfit that reflects the position you’re looking for. Searching for a position as a lawyer or a CPA? Wear a suit! Designers, programmers, and creative job seekers can typically keep it casual.

Not sure about the dress code? Dressier is always better. 


Create an attention grabbing headline

Most recruiters are going to scroll past a boring headline.

Sell yourself and entice people into visiting your page by using creative and descriptive headlines. Simply listing “Freelance Designer” doesn’t tell people what you do or why they should connect with you.

  • Before you create your headline ask yourself a few questions:
  • What do you do?
  • What is your specialty?
  • Why should a recruiter hire you?
  • What do you bring to the table?
  • Do you have any certifications or professional accomplishments?

After considering what you bring to the table, incorporate it into your headline. “Innovative Digital Freelance Artist  |  Specializes in Comprehensive Logo Design and Personalized Branding” is much more descriptive and packs more of a punch than “Freelance Designer."

Quality over Quantity

Before you start looking for new leads and connections, try building up your contacts with friends and coworkers. 

Like most people on LinkedIn, you’ve probably received a random request from someone halfway across the world. Some people are under the impression that a huge LinkedIn network equals networking success.

The reality is, a few genuine and meaningful connections are better than a list of hundreds of random strangers you’ll never meet (or probably even talk to). Don’t worry about the amount of contacts you have. Instead, focus on making genuine connections with past coworkers, managers, and recruiters.


Show Interest

Have a dream company? Follow them! This will keep you up to date on any big news, business successes, and job openings. Having a bank of knowledge about your top companies keeps you in the loop and prepared for interview questions when they arise.


Show off your Skills

Endorsements are an excellent way to be recognized for your strengths. Much like on a resume, list your most relevant and important skills towards the top.

If you’re starting out in a new industry or have recently changed career paths, make sure to keep your skills and endorsements updated regularly. Don’t be afraid to delete old skills that are no longer necessary to the jobs you’re applying for.

For those curious about what skills employers are looking for, take a look at the Top LinkedIn Skills of 2016


Customize your URL

Make it easier for employers to find you. LinkedIn automatically assigns a series of numbers to each member’s URL when they sign up.

You can easily edit your existing URL in your Public Profile settings. Just be sure to keep it simple. is as complicated as you need to get. This little change can also make it easier for you to add your LinkedIn profile URL to your resume. 


Use LinkedIn Pulse

For more detailed tips on how to use LinkedIn Pulse, be sure to check out this guide from HubSpot. 

In 2014, LinkedIn introduced Pulse and gave its members a way to share custom content instantly.

Posting on LinkedIn Pulse allows other members and recruiters to discover you organically. It gives you a platform to show off your skills, get exposure, and share your perspective on a variety of professional topics.

Hue & Tone Creative: Your job search partner

Are you a recent graduate, in the middle of a career switch, or just looking for a more fulfilling position? Hue & Tone is here to help you achieve your career goals. From resume design to revamping your LinkedIn, Hue & Tone can help you get noticed and make a lasting impression. Contact us today to learn more about our personal marketing services.
What to post: LinkedIn Content Ideas

With 467 million members in more than 200 countries, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. Business leaders, C-level execs, job seekers, and decision makers alike all utilize the platform – and they’re all waiting to hear from your business.

Using LinkedIn for business can help you attract talent, increase your supplier base, generate new leads, and help you show off your brand’s personality. From sales to HR to operations, LinkedIn can benefit every branch of your business.

Ready to step up your LinkedIn posting game? We’ve compiled a list of content ideas to help you get noticed: 

  • Milestones: New products, new employees, and work anniversaries are the perfect content for LinkedIn! 
  • Job Openings: This one almost goes without saying, but if you have a job opening be sure to spread the word on LinkedIn.
  • Original Content: Distribute your blog posts through LinkedIn to help drive traffic to your site.
  • Opinions: Does your business have a philosophy that sets you apart? Share it! Just be sure to keep the political opinions for Facebook (or, ideally, off of social media altogether).
  • Industry specific tips: How have you gotten ahead? What works or doesn’t work for your business? Forge a connection by sharing your personal experience (this is great for B2B).
  • SlideShare: Presenting at a conference? Hosting a round table? Presenting your process to a client? Share your presentations and show people a behind-the-scenes look at what it would be like to work with you.
  • Videos: Share promo videos, tutorials of your product, and behind-the-scenes video!  Leveraging video is the way of the future. 
  • Events: Talk up events you’ve recently attended or are planning to go to. And, be sure to post pictures from the event! It’s a great way to connect with others attendees you might not have gotten to chat with in person.
  • Content from industry sources: See an article that interests you? Go ahead and share it if you can loosely tie it to your work!
  • Podcasts: Promote an industry podcast that has given you good insight.
  • Make a playlist: Make a Spotify playlist to coincide with the release of a new product.
  • Start a LinkedIn Group: Posting on your own page isn’t the only way to get active on LinkedIn – starting a group (or participating in an existing one) is a great way to connect with people one-on-one.


Push yourself to come up with a set number of posting ideas SPECIFIC TO YOUR BUSIneSS (we suggest at least 50 ideas TO Start). You can look back at this list any time you're stumped for content! And, it's a great jumping off point for creating a content calendar. 

Now that that's out of the way, we suggest creating a list of content tailored to your industry. We've got a few more specific ideas started for you: 

Accountants: Changes in tax code for the upcoming year, downloadable resources (think spending trackers, tip sheets, etc.),  personal saving tips, differences between 401ks + IRAs, steps for setting up your own corporation, important date reminders/deadlines.

Nonprofits: Images from community events and fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, volunteer spotlights, statistics, infographics, donation impact breakdown, recent trends, inspirational quotes, profiles of people your organization has helped.

Hospitality/hotels:  videos of the property, 360 room views, specials, seasonal activities in the area, local festivals, travel tips, nearby restaurants, staff profiles, new property openings, awards/accolades.

Real Estate Agents: Virtual tours, before & after images of homes you sold, housing stock data, neighborhood information/profiles, new home owner checklist, first time buyer financing information, weekly open house schedules, tips for finding the right agent/mortgage broker, moving checklist, property inspection steps, new listings.

Social Media Services for Greensboro and beyond: Hue & Tone

If you’re struggling to come up with original content ideas perhaps it’s time to bring in a little help. Hue & Tone Creative can help you create visually appealing, original content for every social media platform.  If you’re interested in boosting your web traffic, raising brand awareness, and reaching new customers give us a call today to learn more about our social media management options.
Friday Links: Get linked up

If you’re looking to network, you have a great tool right at your fingertips. LinkedIn is a powerful social media tool for anyone looking to give their professional persona a boost. With access to thousands of connections around the world, you can form new relationships, increase your sales leads, and gain invaluable professional insight.

A little skeptical about the power of LinkedIn? These five links will have you sprucing up your profile in no time.  

One | If you don’t have a LinkedIn page for your business, it might be time to rethink. LinkedIn is great for B2B marketing, and might just be the most effective platform for lead generation -- but those are only two of many reasons why having a business profile is important.

Two | If you already have a page for your business, here are a few tips to help you get started promoting it.

Three | Looking for the numbers on who and how people use LinkedIn? This breaks down everything from who LinkedIn’s 347 million users are to some fast facts on how people in other countries use the social platform.

Four | Before you get networking, you need a sleek and informative profile to turn heads. Things like a professional photo, custom URL, and exciting bio are just a few things that will have a big impact.

Five | Most importantly? When and what to post.

A little update never hurt nobody -- take a moment this weekend to make your brand a LinkedIn business page or spruce up your profile. Next week, we’ll be honing in on how to create an effective email marketing campaign -- you won’t want to miss it!

Get starting with social: Focus in on a platform

Social media can be an overwhelming thing to do well -- between Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and niche sites (like Untappd or Houzz), it can be a lot to juggle. Managing multiple sites can turn into a full time job, so it’s important to pick and choose the sites that will work best for you.

Always remember that the main goal of social media is to connect with potential customers -- and to do this you have to be strategic in the sites that you choose to use. While social media is an important part of almost any digital marketing plan, spreading yourself too thin by trying to manage every site available won’t get you anywhere. We recommend selecting two or three sites that will give you the best return on the time you invest.

Each platform has a unique identity based on the people who view it and how they are engaged. It’s important to know where different demographics spend their time online, what kind of content will catch their eye, and what platform will best showcase your products or services.

When thinking about your target demographic, you should ask yourself two things:

1- Who are your current clients?
2- And who do you want your clients to be?

Social media isn’t a quick fix to getting you the types of customers that you want -- but, done consistently and done well, social will develop into one of the most valuable tools in your marketing arsenal.

So, without further adieu let’s jump into some quick facts about each platform.


FACEBOOK: Let’s start with the most obvious site -- Facebook. With 1.44 billion monthly active users, Facebook is arguably the most well-known and widely used social site there is. Because of its wide reach and varied user base, Facebook is a must for business. 63% of people 50-64 and 56% of people 65+ use Facebook -- this makes it the best platform if you’re aiming to reach older people. The leading demographic of Facebook users are also college educated. And 74% and 72% of adults who make $50,000-$74,999 and $75k+ (respectively) use Facebook -- making it a good place to market luxury brands.

Post ideas: Announcing limited edition products or daily specials, sharing customer reviews, or the details about an upcoming events.


TWITTER: If you’re looking for the challenge of whittling your message down to 140 characters or less, then Twitter is for you. Twitter is best described as an ongoing conversation… kind of like texting back and forth with someone. Connecting with clients has never been easier. By retweeting, utilizing trending hashtags, and following others, you can quickly gain a lot of reach. Like most social sites, Twitter skews towards the younger crowd, with 37% of 18-29 using Twitter. Because of it’s fast paced nature, Twitter is great for quick feedback and breaking news. One of the best ways to gain some fast reach on Twitter is to hop onto a trending hashtag!

Post ideas: Your take on trending topics, polls, quick tips and tricks.


INSTAGRAM: Where are you? What are you doing now? Who are you with? Instagram is one of the best places to answer these questions for your potential customers. Perfect for behind-the-scenes updates, Instagram can help your customers get to know the “real” you. With the capability to upload snippets of video, an arsenal of filters, and handy editing tools, you can take a picture from blah to drool-worthy. If you take great photos and invest time in finding the right hashtags, you can make Instagram work for you. Instagram is one of the trendiest platforms right now, and is perfect if you’re looking to capture 18–29 year olds. With over 53% of 18-28 year olds using Instagram, it has overtaken Facebook and Twitter as the most popular site with younger audiences. It also has a predominately female user base.

Our top tip? Take the time to stage photos properly. For more on that go here and here.

Post ideas: Feature customer reviews, behind-the-scenes shots of your office, or show off a collection of your products.


PINTEREST:  A mecca for designers, interior decorators, and brides-to-be, Pinterest is the place for all things girly. On a site built for browsing, you have to be able to catch a potential customer's eye -- this means carefully curating the look of each board, and keeping your boards organized by category (such as food, travel, design, etc) so that people can follow just the board they're interested in. Pinterest has a predominantly female audience with 42% of online women pinning on the regular. These women also tend to have more disposable income -- make it a good place to sell expensive products or optional services.

Post ideas: Organize boards focused around your products, or inspiration that relates to the services you sell.


SNAPCHAT: With 79% of its users under the age of 25, Snapchat is definitely a younger man’s game. Use Snapchat to share real-life action -- it allows your clients to see exactly what you’re doing, and if you are selling products it’s perfect for taking your audience behind-the-scenes. We don’t know alot about the average Snapchat user -- but we do know that 71% of everyone who uses the platform is under 25, and around 70% are female. With the exception of business like boutiques, Snapchat probably isn’t the best platform for a small business to utilize.

Post ideas: Employee takeovers, behind the scenes, and day-to-day life.


PERISCOPE: Periscope is a video streaming app that allows real time interaction with your followers. By “going live” with Periscope you stream and connect with your followers at any time, from any location. The best part about Periscope is that it integrates with Twitter -- allowing you to utilize your existing audience and reach a larger audience.

Post ideas: live Q & A, tutorial on how to use a new product, or live event updates.  


LINKEDIN: LinkedIn is like a virtual resume -- it’s all about making connections with other professionals. You can upload your resume, link to your portfolio website, share your professional insight, apply to jobs, and connect with employers all in one place. LinkedIn is great for people who need to market business-to-business or business owners who are looking to use their personal profile to make direct connections with potential customers. Specifically, LinkedIn Pulse is a great place to stay in the know about industry information, and show off your own expertise. A news feed within LinkedIn, Pulse is designed for members to share self-published content. You can also follow major brands or industry leaders!

Post ideas: Business insights, new job postings, and industry updates.


Each network has it’s own benefits and drawbacks, and there are tons of sites we weren’t even able to cover! The key to success is picking 2-3 sites that work well with your services/products, sticking with them, and posting regularly. Seeing a return on social media can take months of diligence -- but in a digital world, it’s an inevitable investment.

Thinking social media still might be a little much for you to handle? Need full time help? Give us a call at 336-365-8559 and we can set you up with all the help you need to get your social media up and running smoothly!