Friday Links: Social media without the headache

Staying up to date with your social media can be a full time job! Posting content every day can seem a little overwhelming, but there are plenty of resources available to help streamline the process.

One  |  Getting started is one of the hardest parts about social media. Using these tips starting your pages will be easy.

Two | Social Media is how you connect with your audience. Your posts should be strategically planned out in order to see the kind of interaction that you want. Here are 5 habits successful social media experts use to get the most from their efforts.

Three  |  Making the time for social media can be exhausting, but with the right strategy you can fit it into an hour a day! Use this step-by-step plan to get in the habit of devoting each day to a different task.

Four  |  When planning out your posts for the week, you want to make sure you’re posting at the right times. This isn’t the same for everyone or every account -- but there are a few times when users are most active online. Don’t hesitate to play around and see what works best for you!

Five  |  Using tools is a great way to help you stay organized with your posts. These 10 tools will make your managing all your accounts (and your life) a little easier!

Need full time help? We can do that! Social media is a crucial part of any digital marketing plan -- let us reduce your stress and ensure that a good job is being done.