This week we couldn’t decide on just one topic, so we have a little bit of everything -- from taking pictures to social media facts and standing out -- we’ve got something for everyone this week.
One | Taking pictures with your smartphone can be a pain (trust us, we know!), but these 17 tips and tricks will help you take better iPhone pictures. It’s amazing the results you can get with just a few simple tricks!
Two | Did you know that your biggest advocate on Twitter is most likely someone with a low number of followers? This is just one of the 10 most surprising social media facts.
Three | “Look around you right now, I guarantee you can see at least one brand mark somewhere.” Ever wonder how big brands leave a lasting impression? Creating a brand that is consistent and thoughtfully executed will leave a lifetime mark. Here are 12 simple strategies all memorable brands use.
Four | Over the course of the day, almost 5 million pins are shared on Pinterest! So... now you’re probably wondering “How can I stand out and make sure people are seeing my pins?” Implement these 4 simple tweaks to help stand out.
Five | If you checked out our post earlier this week, you know we talked about GSO inspiration. And, we couldn’t resist adding one more local business to our list! Vivid Interiors (located Downtown) has been sharing some of their favorite Hygge and West wallpapers on their blog. Not only would they look great in your home or office, but these snapshots also make cute iPhone wallpapers!
If you’re in Greensboro this weekend, check out the 100 for 100 art sale or National Trails Day. See you on the blog Tuesday!
Last week on the blog, Camille (our fabulous new Intern) shared her favorite quote -- "If your dreams don't scare you they're not big enough." -- so we decided to her favorite mantra into a daring new download.
Just click to download!
Or check out the mobile version here!
Want to see your favorite quote on one of our Freebies? Comment below!
If you’re like me you haven’t changed your desktop background or iPhone wallpaper in a few months. I realized this week it’s time for change -- so shake it up and try one of these 5 wallpaper designs RIGHT NOW!
One | Summer is right around the corner, brighten up your wallpaper with summer colors!
Two | Patterns are a girls best friend, right? We are loving these fun patterns for your laptop, cell phone, or even coffee cups! (You can find the coffee cups at Target).
Three | If you’re like me, you need all the motivation you can get. Here’s a reminder whenever you’re in need of a pep talk!
Four | Pretty pink, watercolor, and flowers? We’ll take it! Download this free gorgeous wallpaper.
Five | Geometric shapes anyone? For fun prints, check these out!
Which wallpaper did you pick to try out? Let us know in the comments!
The snow has had us dreaming of spring -- and it's definitely showing up in our work! It can be a hard realization that some days you just need to slow down and take some time to regroup. Over the last few snow days (and sick days) we've been working to strike a balance between being persistent and but also being flexible!
For those of you who also need a reminder to be both fierce + flexible, we've designed this free wallpaper! Just click for full resolution downloads!
We hope everybody has a great week! Have a saying you want to see on our Freebie wallpaper? Share it in the comments!
We hope everyone’s had a productive week back at work after the holidays. Here’s a few links that caught our eye this week:
One | Good, free fonts can be hard to find. This list of 60 free minimalist fonts highlights a handful of unique + clean + modern finds -- ones that you won’t see on more basic free font lists.
Two | A lot of my clients are new to the design world -- and while I always take the time to walk them through some of the basics, a handful have asked for reading they can do on their own. This guide will help familiarize you with some basic typography terms. It’s the perfect primer for people having trouble communicating with their designer!
Three | For the past few weeks my social media feeds have been overrun with predictions for what 2016 will bring. Out of everything I’ve read, this collection of design trend predictions is one of my favorites.
Four | We’re working on a few new freebie wallpapers -- in the meantime spruce up your tech with this list of best desktop wallpaper sites.
Five | I’ve recently developed an obsession with adult coloring books -- they’re perfect when you need a quick break from work. Michael’s has a wide selection, and carries a few coloring books that feature less intricate patterns (perfect for beginners)!
In the middle of everything that's been going on with my new business -- chatting with prospective clients, a pile of 1099 tax forms and my usual client work -- I couldn't wait to take a break to get creative and make a fun freebie for everyone.
This quote is one of my favorites and has been ringing truer then ever the past few weeks!
Just click the image to download a high resolution file.
Also, download a MOBILE VERSION HERE.