Posts tagged Engagement
The Importance of Strong Content... according to Yoda

Millions tune in to watch shows like Grey’s Anatomy, events like Super Bowl LII, and cult favorites such as Star Wars. Why? Because the content is so darn good.

Content, as stated by the Oxford English Dictionary, is information made available by a website or other electronic medium. People know good when they see it and recognize good content when they read it. Which is why crafting strong content is so important on the information-overloaded web.

The Importance of Strong Content according to Yoda  |  Hue & Tone Creative

“The force is strong with this one.” –Darth Vader, Star Wars: Episode IV

“What makes for strong content?” you may be asking. It starts with knowing your audience. The subjects you discuss as well as how you choose to tackle them are dictated by those seeking your infinite wisdom and wares. Exploring topics that are helpful to your customers, followers and clients make for good content because it’s relevant. Ask yourself, “what can I do to serve the needs of my unique base”? And create from there.

“Always pass on what you have learned.” –Yoda, Star Wars: Episode VI

You can’t teach what you don’t know. Integrate your company’s core competencies (those things you do exceptionally and distinguishes you from competitors) into your content. Kim K posts tons of information regarding make-up and fashion help. Oprah’s website is packed with inspirational tidbits and plenty on healthy eating. Your content could detail how to start a non-profit, demonstrate yoga techniques, or show the masses How to Curate Their Instagram Feeds. Basically, write what you know.

"There is NO substitute for WORK." –Vince Lombardi, Green Bay Packers Coach (1959-1967)

Content is often copied from one site and reposted on another. This should only occur when express permission has been provided by the content’s owner. It should also be an option rarely elected. For one, originality is rewarded by Google search rankings and secondly, you can’t contribute much to the virtual conversation if you’re only saying what has already been said. Don’t have the time to create original content? Partner with a professional content provider. Unlike reposting published pieces, working with a content generating service is a savvy alternative that provides you with unique postings for your site.

"Pretty good is not enough, I wanna be great." –Christina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy

Your content choices and execution should be in alignment with your brand image. If you’re known for being reliable, posting consistently and on time is a way to demonstrate that trait. Presenting thought-provoking and engaging topics showcases you as the thought-leader that you are. Great at design? Be sure that your content is presented in the showiest of packages that displays your exceptional stylistic talents. If you’re great, your content should be great. Post that which you are.

"Knowing is better than wondering." –Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

What content have you produced that garnered the most engagement and views? There’s an analytic for that.  Refer to your site’s pageview data and determine what your readers prefer. This helps to cultivate similar content that speaks to the needs and wants of your followers. Do your research and give the people what they want.

Keep in mind, your web content may not make a colossal mark or be permanently enshrined in greatness like Star Wars. Instead, it might convert a visitor into a lead or even a client. She may be persuaded to subscribe to your newsletter. He could be moved to try your service. And that is much better and even, dare I say, compelling.


No matter what you're looking for help with, Hue & Tone Creative can help take your website -- and the content on it -- to the next level. If you'd like to see what we can do, be sure to take a look at our design portfolio, scope out more of our blog posts, and take a look at the services we offer.

Increase Your Video Reach (Part 3, Great Mobile Video)

Think about the last time you watched something. Did you sit back on the couch and grab the remote, or did you reach for the phone in your pocket?

The days of devouring media solely on a TV screen are long gone. In fact, the total number of videos uploaded in the last 30 days dramatically surpasses the amount of content produced by major U.S. networks in the past 30 years.

With all those videos out there, how do you get eyes on your own content?

This week for Part 3 of our Great Mobile Video series, we’ll show you how to your iPhone videos to stand out on three major platforms.   



YouTube’s search engine is massive, so getting noticed in a sea of competing content boils down to the work you put into your SEO.

To help your videos pop up more often in search results, put time and effort into your metadata (title, description, tags, category, and thumbnail).

Your title should be no more than 60 characters long, but keep in mind that mobile users will only see about 26 characters of that.  

Avoid using “clickbait” titles to draw in views. An example? “This will change your life forever!” about a video showing off a new mop. Come up with a title that’s catchy, but honest… or you risk annoying your viewers and forfeiting subscribers.

Organize your videos into playlists. It will entice viewers to watch more of your content. 

Because only 2-3 lines of text (about 100 characters) are shown in the description of your videos during searches, put the most important info first. Mobile users won’t see your description at all, only your title.

Spend time researching relevant tags (Google’s Keyword planner is a great tool to use). Make sure that you only use tags that have to do with your video. Irrelevant tags could cause you to land in trouble with Google.

Make sure to choose the right category based on your viewers’ demographics. We recommend visiting YouTube’s Creator Academy to make sure that your selection is the right fit for your brand.

An eye-catching thumbnail can help your videos stand from competing search results. Think of your thumbnail as a little snapshot of what your video is about. Stick to a simple scheme like an image from your video paired with bold title. Canva is a great tool to use if you’re not savvy with Photoshop. 



Think YouTube is the leading video viewing platform? Well, that’s sort of true…

On average, 45% of people watch over an hour of YouTube or Facebook videos every week. Focusing on one over the other could cause you to miss out on a lot of potential leads.

While you may be tempted to simply share your YouTube link on Facebook, studies show that uploading videos directly to Facebook can increase your share rate dramatically. In fact, when compared to YouTube links, native Facebook videos perform 10x better and receive higher levels of engagement.

Sidebar: Because 85% of Facebook are viewed without sound, make sure that you have your subtitles enabled.

The uploading process it pretty similar to YouTube’s, choose a descriptive title and a compelling thumbnail to draw in views. We highly recommend spending time on your actual post. Only 400 characters of your post will share when people are scrolling through their feeds, so choose your words wisely.

Investing in a Facebook campaign is another great way to amp up your views. Check out our guide for more details. 



Before your video debuts, drum up excitement by mixing in teasers with your normal content. 

When it comes to Instagram views, hashtags are your best friend. Using at least one hashtag will bring in 12.6% more engagement that not using any. Just try not to go overboard. The rule of thumb is to choose relevant hashtags that are consistent with your brand, and are easily discoverable by new viewers.

Advertise your video in your bio with a compressed link. You can promote the video further in your other posts by stating “link in bio” at the bottom of the captions.

If you have influencers or special guests featured in your video, make sure to tag their page and have your participants do the same for you. This makes it easier for their viewers to discover your brand. 


One final takeaway…

When you get started with video, don’t obsess over your amount of views. Results take time. Instead, focus on producing and uploading high quality videos regularly, so that you can build up a following and increase your brand awareness overtime.

Hue & Tone Creative: Social Media Marketing in the Triad

Looking to launch an ad campaign or ramp up your social media presence? Get started with the pros! From social media management to email campaigns, the creative thinkers at Hue & Tone Creative can help bring your brand’s story to life.