Posts tagged squarespace
7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings

There’s no denying that deciding which fonts work well together can be (to put it bluntly) an absolute nightmare - but the benefits of fiddling around far outweigh the pain of getting there.

Finding the perfect font pairing can make a massive difference to the look and feel of your website. It changes the way the words on screen gel with your design. It alters the way visitors scan over your copy. And it can impact the overall tone you give off. So it really is key that you hit the nail on the head.

We’ve already shared 7 Squarespace font pairings and, back due to popular demand, now we’re here to give you seven more!

7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Trebuchet MS + Adobe Garamond Pro

Trebuchet’s instantly easy-to-read style coupled with Adobe’s slightly old school slant effortlessly keeps pages engaging.

7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Source Sans Pro + Raleway

Source Sans in simple and sleek -- pair it with Raleway and you’ve got yourself a modern combo!

Artboard 5@2x-8.png

Alfa Slab One + Titillium Web

This font combination isn't for everyone, but Alfa Slab’s bold presence coupled with Titillium’s techno vibe provides a structured, forward-looking style. 

7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Playfair Display SC + Livory

Get straight to the point with Livory's imposing page presence and Playfair's easy-on-the-eye curls.

7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Acier Bat Text Solid + Sanchez

What happens when you combine sharp points and straight edges? This. It’s different, but who said different’s bad?

7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Adrianna + Work Sans

Both wide in style, Adrianna and Work Sans provide a really easy-to-read package.

7 (more!) Squarespace font pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

TextBook New + Tondo Signage

Tondo’s stocky style makes it unideal for chunky blocks of text, but paired with TextBook New it’s ideal for shorter snippets that need snippets that need to catch the reader’s eye.


Looking for a web designer in Greensboro, Winston Salem or the surrounding areas? Hue & Tone is a creative graphic design agency specializing in logo design, web design, social media management, and more. Give us a call if you’re interested in a custom, branded website that truly tells your story.

To Squarespace or not to Squarespace? The small business’s question.

According to the SBA, small businesses account for a whopping 99.7% of U.S. employer firms. If you’re thinking of starting your own small business or maybe you already have, how do you emerge as the peacock amongst all the other peacocks with the showiest feathers? Well, an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly website would certainly help. In this DIY climate, only one website builder springs to mind: Squarespace. This week, we’ll explore why Squarespace is the best choice for small businesses.

To Squarespace or not to Squarespace?  |  Hue & Tone Creative

We’ve all heard or seen the commercials for Squarespace, the self-proclaimed “all-in-one solution for anyone looking to create a beautiful website.” And beautiful it is. Squarespace’s landing page is like a mini trip to an art museum. The evocative photographs, set against sleek and colorful backdrops, coupled with drag-and-drop functionality, easily marks its self as the preeminent option. Once there, you’re thrilled and delighted to press the Create A Site button.

Inside, you’ll find that Squarespace’s versatility is unmatched. The site currently boasts more than 70 different templates. After exploring and choosing the design of your liking, you can begin adding your own content. One caveat, Squarespace’s polished designs only go so far. Be sure to use high-quality photos when swapping out placeholder images. One of the allures of Squarespace is its sleek, professional design, but even that won’t make up for low quality, grainy photographs.

Squarespace has done a phenomenal job with creating beautiful spaces that you can tailor to fit your needs. Do play around with templates if you can’t seem to settle on just one.  Once you begin customizing, Squarespace provides you the option of previewing other templates without losing earlier work. You can experience what your site looks like with a banner overlay, or at various scale sizes, or with numerous navigation choices, or utilizing page animation or displaying a slideshow. And these are just a few of the design options available to you. Like what you see? Great! Let’s talk pricing: 

Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 8.11.40 AM.png

Squarespace has the simplest pricing plans than any other web builder; with only two total. $12 per month for personal websites, billed annually or $16 paid month to month, and $18 per month for businesses, billed annually or $26 paid month to month. Two additional pricing plans are available if you want an online store. Your hosting and a custom domain name are included with the purchase of an annual membership and that’s certainly a plus.

Other web builders offer free plans, but with limited features, and sub-domain names. Squarespace permits you to try their service for a 14-day trial, but once expired, you’ll need to choose a paid membership to continue service. All things considered, Squarespace’s pricing is competitive with other web builders and the value you receive is undeniable. It has the tools to set any small business apart by adorning it in the most beautiful of feathers and allowing it to really strut its stuff. 


Loving Squarespace, but not sure what to include on your website? Or maybe your homepage is just looking a little flat? Hue & Tone Creative will help get your web presence up to speed. Be sure to check out our design portfolio to see clients we’ve helped in the past -- and then give us a call if you’d like us to build you a custom, modern website that truly tells your story.

7 Squarespace Font Pairings
7 Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

You see a Squarespace template, you love it, you start playing with the fonts... and suddenly you don't love it quite so much. No worries -- it happens to everyone!

Although it may be tempting to stick with the default settings of your template, taking the time to select the right fonts adds depth and personality to your site. With over 600 font options through Google and nearly 1,000 on Adobe Typekit, picking the perfect combo can feel almost impossible.

We're here to take the guesswork out of selecting the perfect Squarespace font combination - here's 7 suggestions to revive your favorite template: 

Merriweather + Roboto Condensed  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Merriweather & Roboto

This classic and modern mix of serif and sans serif fonts is perfect for any business. 

Skolar Sans + Domine  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Domine & Skolar Sans

Need a clean no-fuss combination? Domine and Skolar pairs nicely with strong graphics. 

Julius Sans One + Franklin Gothic  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Julius Sans One + Franklin Gothic

Franklin Gothic is classic, readable, and approachable -- but add Julius Sans One in and you've got an edgy clean feel.

Rift Soft + Vendetta  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Rift Soft & Vendetta

Looking for a sophisticated pairing for an upscale brand? The sleek style of Rift keeps Vendetta from feeling too stuffy. 

Essonnes + Futura  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Essones & Futura

This duo feel playful and approachable. We love this serif & sans serif mix for boutiques, portfolios, and blogs. 

Park Lane + Tenso  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Park Lane & Tenso

This crisp and versatile combo would work well for real estate, bistros, and trendy salons. 

Lust Script + Sofia Pro  |  Squarespace Font Pairings  |  Hue & Tone Creative

Lust Script + Sofia Pro

Feeling a little edgy? Mixing in Lust Script takes this font palette to the next level. 

branding + web services in greensboro: Hue & Tone

Looking for a web designer in Greensboro, Winston Salem or the surrounding areas? Hue & Tone is a creative graphic design agency specializing in logo design, web design, social media management, and more. Give us a call if you’re interested in a custom, branded website that truly tells your story.
Client Spotlight: Little Toro Designs

When we were approached by Tawney Weir, the creative force behind Little Toro Designs, we were immediately inspired by her southwestern flair. This owner + maker + designer was looking for a place to not only showcase her product, but also Little Toro's modern desert aesthetic. 

As a business owner, there's nothing better than working with someone who is equally passionate about their craft. After our first short conversation, it was clear that Tawney's work was both inspired and sustained by the unique blend of cultures around her. 

Click the image to see the site live!

Click the image to see the site live!

Who Little Toro Is: Metalsmith jewelry handcrafted in Tucson, AZ. Inspired by the nature and culture of the southwestern desert.  

What They Needed: A clean + modern website that embodies Little Toro's desert chic style without distracting from the product. 

What We Delivered: A customized Squarespace site with e-commerce capabilities. By highlighting Little Toro's beautiful editorial photography (by Puspa Lohmeyer Photography) we were able to not only keep the product front and center, but also capture the essence of the brand.

The takeaway? When inspired editorial photography meets clean web design, e-commerce magic happens. 

If you feel like your website could use a refresh, get in touch -- we'd love to do a free assessment of your current website!

Friday Links: Twitter chats, font pairing, and Squarespace love

Hello, friends! It's been another full, busy week here at Hue & Tone and, now that it's coming to a close, I'm sharing some links I've been loving once again.

Friday Links: Twitter chats, font pairing, and Squarespace love -- Hue & Tone Creative

One | The impact of having an active social presence for your business is huge...but not everyone's naturally inclined to be a "sharer." I love this post on ways to train your brain to think social.

Two | Along the same lines as the link above, social media is best when you're genuinely using it as a tool to collaborate and learn from others...not a way to blast your own message without listening. Twitter chats are a great way to get started.

Three | The Hue & Tone website runs on Squarespace, and I'm a huge fan. Here's a good summary of the reasons why.

Four | Running a small business doesn't happen without its fair share of cold calls -- and cold emails. So, how to do it right? Personalize, be brief, and establish purpose.

Five | Here's a great -- and beautifully presented -- primer on the "art and science" of pairing the right fonts.

Recap of this week's blog posts: 

Have a great weekend!